Breadcrumbs - Sweeping Up - Between Adventures

The end of the adventure to summarise what I told Ian and Simon at the end of last session:
The statue had a data chip reader hidden on it, this already contained vital information left by another SIS agent, which was unlocked when the encrypted data packet gained from Gurt Russel was inserted. It revealed three things.
Firstly Echidna was shut down 15 years ago, just after Admiral Tobias Havalocks death, due to illegal genetic experiments on humans. It seems after all this time Sirius Corp are now trying to get hold of any remaining knowledge of this genetic work.
Secondly: The unknown SIS agent was being hunted by Sirius Corp, as his parents were volunteers in the Echinda experiments. Also he had information on recent Biological Alien Artefacts that have been found in space, and he fears what Sirius would do if they acquired it and combined it with Echidna's knowledge.
Third, the agent believes the result of Echidnas human experimentation, the surviving  'children of Echidna' are also being hunted down and captured by Sirius. The data chip contains a list of names.

Sweeping Up:
All players rendezvous at Daibak the closest safe Federation controlled system, and land at Daimler Ring, and Orbis Starport. It has a Market, Ship Outfitting, Restock and Repair, a Shipyard dealers, and a Black Market.

Iain and Simon have lost their original ships, but find themselves in command of Krait Lightspeeder 'Interceptors' which they escaped the Esparanza in. They do not have Fuel Scoops so you might want to consider this or you will be relying on docking for fuel. The ships are also maxed out for power, so you will either have to upgrade the power plant or downgrade another component to take the power requirement for a fuel scoop.

The Sirius Corp Buccaneer black box. The information of this experimental ship can be sold at Diabak. As Iain and Simon acquired this you will receive 85,000cr each for this information.

Iain, if you want to make a character from scratch you can do and you can transfer all Rank points and skill award points over to the new one.  You have made 85,000cr in total.

Simon. You have ranked up, don't forget to choose a new Karma or an Enhancement.
You have made (including the black box above) 104,358cr in profit.

Dale. You can add 1 point to any skill with a tick next to it. You also have 6 rank points in total.
You have made 69,358cr in profit, the last bounty hunter did have a reward for his destruction and dropped two canisters of Painite worth 40kcr each, you took one, Dmitri the other.

Dmitri. You have 2 rank points and can add 1 skill point to any skills with a tick next to them. You made 56,000cr in total, from trading at Aldebaran, 1 canister of Painite, and your portion of the bounty hunters reward.

Between adventures:
The game allows for PC's to earn a bit of cash on the side or do a 'normal' job. Players can modify their ship at the end of the 'Between Adventures' stage so as not to unfairly take advantage of modify their ships just for that role , then using their profits to switch them back to more useful adventuring setups.

Dale, Simon and Iain have ships best set up for Bounty Hunting. Dmiti's ship is a good multirole so would be good at trade, and bounty hunting.

Bounty Hunting: As all ships are small you can only take on low risk bounties. You make a Spaceship Piloting Check (1d10+you skill bonus) and then A Spaceship Weapons check. If you succeed both rolls you are successful in bounty hunting, if you fail one you make no money at all but escape. If you fail both your ship is damaged. If you fail both by 3 points your ship is destroyed, though you survive. Possible Bounty reward 40,000cr.

Safe Trading: possible profit 1000cr/ton in this region. Multiply this by your Trade skill bonus and then by the number of tons of cargo your ship can carry.

Exploration: No ones ship is very good at this. Dale cant make any money from this as his ships range is too low. Ian and Simon could make 8000cr. Dmitri could make 8000cr unless his Navigation Skill bonus is 4 in which case he can make 40,000cr due to his natural explorer talent.


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