Breadcrumbs - Sweeping Up - Between Adventures
The end of the adventure to summarise what I told Ian and Simon at the end of last session: The statue had a data chip reader hidden on it, this already contained vital information left by another SIS agent, which was unlocked when the encrypted data packet gained from Gurt Russel was inserted. It revealed three things. Firstly Echidna was shut down 15 years ago, just after Admiral Tobias Havalocks death, due to illegal genetic experiments on humans. It seems after all this time Sirius Corp are now trying to get hold of any remaining knowledge of this genetic work. Secondly: The unknown SIS agent was being hunted by Sirius Corp, as his parents were volunteers in the Echinda experiments. Also he had information on recent Biological Alien Artefacts that have been found in space, and he fears what Sirius would do if they acquired it and combined it with Echidna's knowledge. Third, the agent believes the result of Echidnas human experimentation, the surviving 'children of Echi...